About Children's Education

Why Children's Education?

The education department is one of the most vibrant in the Makukuba community. It consists of Shared Love Junior School Makukuba and Shared Love Vocation Centre Makukuba.

We have seen an increase in a number of learners enrolment in the Junior School. A sign that parents in the community have been impacted by SLU efforts.

Children's Education Updates 2021

  • 62 empowered leaders and family heads with the necessary skills to help them support families and other stakeholders for the promotion of rights to children and women in communities.
  • More than 200 parents reached with the messages to help them avoid COVID 19 in families.
  • Introduced Homeschooling program in homes and continue to support teachers, parents, and children with necessary items in the program.

SLU Children's Education Pictorial

Become A Part Of SLU Mission

Empowering people and community systems to enrich the wholistic needs of a child.